Love Songs: Melodie i harmonie z serca

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Wiersze na stronie głównej

Portale duszy

Drzewo chwały

Boski eliksir

Z czasem


Kwiaty śliwy i parasole

Przedwieczne mistyczne wino

Nieskończenie daleko

Jeśli nie miłość

Podeptane grosze, Trampled Dimes

The Lamentation of Roses

For the Lover’s Heart

Cherry Blossoms and Poems

From the Mire

Moon of Servitude

Moon of Servitude

Płomień tajemnicy

Dające dłonie

W nieruchomym stawie serca

Nadzieja i pokora

Wraz z wizją

Dwa drzewa, One Garden

Soul to Soul

Tears from the Soul of Humanity

Tango My Soul

Butterfly Wings


Jedno miasto, jedna ziemia

Jak słodkie są lata

Oddychaj oddechem życia

Miłość, to zawsze miłość

W duszy tron

Żyć i kochać

Szukaj Go!

Should Have, Could Have

Dawning Light of Rapturous Divine Love

The Great Wall of Self

In Truth

From the Darkness

The Lamp

From His Light

The Poet and the Composer

One Voice, Dwie Dusze

Północne Słońce

Światło Księżyca Tańczące w Czerni Nocy

Z Tych Wszystkich

Strona Woła


Faithful Embrace

Dancing Ballerinas Across the Page

As Birds Fly

Quiet Streams

Once Upon a Once-…Selfish Soul

Above the Clouds

Purling Streams of Love

It Is Love that Binds Us Together

Two Birds, One Nest

In the Grasp of Illusion

Wayfarer on the Path to the Beloved

From a Drop

Sunset of Our Lives

Beckon Him Enter

Love for Thee

Love for Thee

From a Drop

From a Drop

Sunset of Our Lives

Beckon Him Enter

Love for Thee

Więcej o

In His Image

For a Handful of Clay

We Were Younger Then

I Hear My Brother

I See My Brother

Better Is It

Supreme Antidote

Black, White

Gales Within the Soul

In Every Leaf

The Tapestry of Our Lives

Dance My Soul!

The Lure of the Morn

No Words Dare I Write

Humanity’s Sole Salvation

Shadows in the Soul

Goddess of Verse and Rhyme

From the Tears of the Ancient

Love, Dance with Me!

Tears of Love

Lovely Daffodil

May I Remember

I Hear the Sacred

Scripty of Light

Seize Me!

They Turn in Prayer

Would that the Pen Could Write

Sculpture of Light


Sweet Songbirds of Love

O Conquering King!

Dobroć Innego

Poezja Mojej Duszy

Jeden Człowiek, Dwa Skrzydła

Sprawiedliwości, Wstąp na Swój Tron!

Dylemat poety

Misja do przyjaciela

Songbird miłości

America, I See You Weeping

Let Me Fly

The Path

Lonely Raindrop

Each Drop of Rain

Heaven’s Falcon of Prey

One Planet, Two Worlds

Little Bird with Ruffled Feathers


Temptress Fair

This Is Love

If I Stumble

From His Pen

The Babble of the Dead

Not Mist, ani deszczu, ani burzliwego dnia

O, moja siostro!

Upon the Winds

Upon the Bough


Upon the Page

Where Has My Heart Flown?

Rainbow Stone


The Poetry Within

Dandelion Fields

Through Heaven’s Door

In the Shadow of the Eagle

Two Scottish Doves

Two Souls, One Humanity

The Light of Friendship

A Drop of Love

Too Dear

All Creation

It is Said

Wandering Sands

Fractured Lives

Through the Mist

From My Window

Though We Be

Deep Within

Effulgent Beauty

Behold the Sun

Never Setting Sun

Love and Loss

Fire of Love

White Dove


Sounds Lost

Upon the Ground

The Great Puppet Show

In the Claw of the Eagle

Palette of the Poet

Once the Fool


Hallowed Precincts

Welcomed Intruder

One Coin, Two Sides


Piano Keys


Luminous Point

Sweet Wine of Guidance

Raised Pen

The Spiritual Path


Red Rose

Dancing on Rainbows


„Make Me a Hollow Reed”

Like Rainbows

Brother, Mentor,

For Everything a Time

Breath by Breath

I Need Not Ask

Two Mirrors

Behind the Mask

Ribbons from His Love

Manoochehr II

Come Fly with Me!

A Special Place

I Saw Them Soar

Black and White

Petals Fall


Deep Wells of Joy

No Words

Snow, Crimson Red

Through Them

The Last Poem

Behold Thyself!

Beauty and Pain

I Saw Them Dance

King of the Nightengales

Move Your Pen, O King of Glory

I Saw Him Glance

More than the Pen Can Hold

Pass the Wineskin

On Zephyrs of Light

Black Pit

Turn Back, O Satan!


Every Atom


Blind Man

A Peaceful End

I Invoke Your Name

I Saw Her Face

What Hunger Is This?


Dwa gołębie

Widzę je wzlatujące

Podnieś mnie

Jak źdźbło trawy

Świetlista Pani


Ptaki śpiewają i tańczą

Powieść o Szkarłatnej Ofierze

Powieść o… Scarlet Sacrifice

Thunderous Falls

The Passing

Their Spirits Rose to Heaven

Though Glass We Be

He Is the Law

Waves of Light

What Wine Is This?

Within the Tumult


Who Are We to Serve Him?

Pływające cienie


Prawo Boga


On jest prawem


Pływająca drobina kurzu

Z Jego rąk


Święty pył

Jego miłosierdzie

Błysk Forth

Upon His Face

Astronomical Musings

Flamed Phrases

Even Humankind


Brilliant Orbs


Lighthearted Musings on Love and Search

How Sweet the Nectar

How Sweet the Nectar

Resplendent Rainbows

Lonely Branch

Nature Sings to Me

What Light

Crimson Lover

Along the Path

Ethereal Beauty

Drawn Sword

Capture My Soul

A Crumb

Wirujący derwisze

Take My Heart

Little Sparrow

Love Songs

New Spadł śnieg

Drzewo Światła

Okno Zatoki

Z Jego Słowem

Jakie to słowa i litery?

Heaven’s Door


Truth, Elude Me Not

Silence Lost

Morning Dawns

I Have Seen Paradise

Sheaves of Light

Power and Pain

Naught but Ill-Crafted Words

One Drop


Sea of Light

Shadows of Truth

Winds of Time

If Peace Be Your Quest

Come, Mój Przyjacielu!

His Gifts Rain Down

Beside a Still Pond

I No Longer Hear Their Song

A Luminous Blue

Behind Closed Walls

Autumn Leaves

In Search of Purity

In Search of Purity


Strings of Love

Rippling Coquettes

The Soul Within

Poems on the Additional Poems Page

Words Fail

Red Roan Stallion

To My Breast


Jego Słowo

Ryczący Grom

Okup, Odkupienie i Równowaga

Morze Czerwone

Gwiazdy na niebie zrozumienia

Jakie to słowa?

W niebiosach, Boże

Słodki Miodzie

Mistyczny Tancerzu

Cel i Rzeczywistość Obejmują

Miękki Rumieniec Rozumu


Winds of Glory

Fire of His Love

Sword of Lightning



O, Bracia moi!

Jedno życzenie

Matka z perły

Słodka cisza

Szczyt wspaniałości



Wewnętrzna rzeczywistość

Ludzkie serce

Poetyckie rozważania o Jego miłości i kochankach

Dziki ogień

Miękko płynące wody

To jest Ukochana

Lurid Imaginations


Behind the Veil

Barren Sands

This I Ask

The Lot of the Meek

Praise of Him

In Him Alone

Weary Traveler

Amidst the Ashes

Fallen Leaves

Lonely Rose

It Is Ours to Serve Him

Whispers Upon the Wind

We Walk the Mystic Path

We Walk the Mystic Path

Maiderant of the Beloved

Attributes of the Beloved

Acceptance in His Sight

Pebbles of Service

A Lover’s Fate

The Lover’s Dance

Move the Pen

Wandering, Odurzony kochanek

Krople deszczu

Burze miłości

Głęboka miłość

Widzę twój obraz

Portret mojej duszy mojej duszy

Duchowi bracia dwaj

Nie czas ani odległość

Poza słowami

Tylko bicie serc kochanków

Tylko bicie serca Lovers

Lovers Seek

You Touch My Heart

Garden of Delight

Within My Breast

A Poet’s Dream

A Poet’s Dream

Two Angels

In You


In the Hearts of Lovers

Untold Blessings

Praise Be to Him

Orb of Fire

This Road

Neither Food Nor Drink

Leave the Pen and Cast the Page


Shoori Khanum

It Is Theirs

The Poet’s Fall

Missives of Love

Where the Soul Most Loves to Dwell

I Worship the Sun

A Gem of a Man

If Truth Be Your Desire


Heaven’s Songbirds Beneath His Dome

Drench My Soul

Our Language

I Thought Him Nonexistent

What Can One Say?

Handmaidens Pure

Spiritual Brothers

Where Is the Star?



Mists of Time

Lovers Always Have A Tale


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