
English Teachers: このQuestion Words wall chartを教室で使用したい場合は、こちらから購入できます。



WHO は人を指すときだけ使われます。 (=人を知りたい)

  • Who is the best football player in the world?
  • Who are your best friends?
  • Who is that strange guy over there?


WHERE は場所やロケーションに言及する際に使用されます。 (=場所を知りたい)

  • Where is the library?
  • Where do you live?
  • Where are my shoes?


WHENは時間または機会を参照するときに使用します。 (=時間が知りたい)

  • When do the shops open?
  • When is his birthday?
  • When are we going to finish? (= I want to know the reason)
    • Why do we need a nanny?
    • Why are they always late?
    • Why does he complain all the time? “Because…”


      WHAT is used to referring specific information. (= I want to know the thing)

      • What is your name?
      • What is her favorite color?
      • What is the time?


      WHICHは選択をしなければならないときに使われます。 (=代替案間のことを知りたい)

      • ピザとパスタ、どちらを注文しましたか?
      • 会議には今日と明日のどちらの日がいいですか?
      • これとあれ、どちらが良いですか?


      HOWは何かが行われる方法を表現するために使用されています。 (=やり方を知りたい)

      • How do you cook lasagna?
      • How does he know the answer?
      • How can I learn English quickly?


      How much – 量や値段を指す(数えられない名詞)

      • How much do you have to finish the test?
      • How much is the jacket on display in the window?
      • How much I will need the money?

      How many – 数量を指す(可算名詞)

      • How many days are there in April?
      • How many people live in this city?
      • How many brothers and sister do you have?

      Read more about いくら vs. 何人

      How often – 頻度を指す

      • How often do you visit your grandmother?
      • How often does she study?
      • How far is the bus stop from here?

      Next activity

      Try our interactive games to practice Question words:
      Question Words 1 and Question Words 2.

      無料の Question Words ワークシート (in PDF) をダウンロードしましょう!
      ワークシートの答えはここでチェックできますよ。 Question Wordsワークシートの答え.


